
Next level of genetic improvement – The PRRS resistant pig

Gene editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism. We will discuss how removing the CD163 protein in commercial pig lines provides resistance to PRRSV in vivo, without negatively affecting performance and reproduction.

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Lucina Galina, DVM, Ph. D.
Director Technical Projects PIC/Genus

Dr. Lucina Galina has dedicated her career to swine health. Her educational background includes a DVM from the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico City and a Ph.D. in swine medicine from the University of Minnesota where Dr. Carlos Pijoan mentored her Over the last 24 years, she had the opportunity to work in the swine genetics and animal health industries. She has established herself as a regarded expert with 11 years at the Pig Improvement Company (PIC) and 13 years at Pfizer Animal Health (now Zoetis). Dr. Galina led a team of professionals supporting US pork production companies in her most recent role as Director of the Swine Technical Services Group at Zoetis. Since 2023, she has been Director of Technical Research at PIC, focusing on the PRRS-resistant pig project and other innovations.

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