
Deciding where to put more effort to do better in farrowing?

Prioritizing interventions according to their impacts on piglets’ survival and profitability is not that simple. This conference will present management key points comparing what the best producers are doing with what scientific data are saying. Sow care, piglet management and feeding will be discussed. Practical advice will be shared.

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Emmanuelle Lewis, Agr., M. Sc.
Swine nutrition Olymel S.E.C./L.P.

Graduating from Laval University in 2000, Emmanuelle Lewis holds a bachelor's degree in Agronomy and a master's degree in Animal Science.

Passionate agronomist in swine production, she has been working in nutrition for almost 25 years and is involved in different committees in the industry. Being in contact with producers, searching for practical and applied solutions, and disseminating nutrition scientific knowledge are things that enrich her daily work. Since 2020, she is exercising her profession within Olymel.

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