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Risk factors for weaned piglet mortality during transport

This poster descriptively explores and identifies risk factors for increased mortality during weaned piglet transport events using records from over 6,000 trips provided by 5 Canadian production companies. The average percent of shipped piglets found dead on arrival for all trips was <0.03%. Mortality rates by trailer type, trip duration, exterior environment, and other variables are presented.

Presenter : Hannah Golightly, hgolight@uoguelph.ca

Supervisor : Dr. Jennifer Brown, Prairie Swine Centre, PO Box 21057, 2105 8th Street East, Saskatoon SK, S7H 5N9, jab651@mail.usask.ca

Authors and affiliation : Hannah R. Golightly1, Terri L. O’Sullivan1, Jennifer Brown2, Yolande M. Seddon3

  1. Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph
  2. Prairie Swine Centre, Saskatoon, SK
  3. Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan
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