AlphaGene is the swine genetics division of Olymel, a leader in the production, transformation and the distribution of meat derived from pigs and poultry. AlphaGene’s objective is to support Canadian swine producers from insemination to the sale of livestock. Throughout the breeding process, AlphaGene teams up with producers to maximize their success, both as breeders and as entrepreneurs.
AlphaGene has developed a way of working that is totally unique: colla¬borative production. In other words, the company works with producers from farm to table on how they do things, their farm management and how they feed their animals. AlphaGene counts as team members nu¬tritionists, specialists in farm management and veterinarians. It is com¬mitted to producing healthy animals with strong growth capabilities and optimal meat yields using little to no antibiotics. Every AlphaGene team member works towards one goal: creating a quality product for our consumers, wherever they are around the world.
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